Basic HTML Markup Reference

Markup tags

Main heading <h1>........Heading text.............</h1>
Section heading <h2>.................................</h2>
Subsection heading<h3>.................................</h3>
Paragraph heading <h4>.................................</h4>
Paragraph <p>.........Paragraph text............</p>

Line break <br/>

Note: HTML ignores extra spaces and separate lines in marked up content.
You need to use <br/> or <p/> to split your content up into separate lines and paragraphs.

strong type (bold)<strong>....bold text............</strong>
emphasis (italic) <em>........italic text..............</em>

Hyperlink <a href="....URL..."> text....</a>
Image <img src="...URL..."
      alt="caption for vision impaired" />

Note: Images and other files should not be stored within your FolderCMS content folder as they won't be publicly accessible from a user's web browser.
Instead, a reasonable approach is to create a separate /img/ folder for images within your website's root folder, and reference images as src="/img/filename.jpg".

Special characters

Non-breaking space &nbsp;
< &lt;
> &gt;
& &amp;
© &copy;

Basic HTML reference sheet compiled by General Development Systems. Redistribute or modify freely. This sheet may be of assistance in writing website content, and/or training a client to modify website content after deployment.